Isn’t it amazing the potential that each day you wake up to live holds? We start every day with absolutely no idea what will take course. Usually there is a plan. You know what you want or at least expect to take place. Usually the series of events you see coming carry out as expected. For that reason, we generally live at ease. Those are the filler days. The days we usually don’t remember. But slotted in between these dozens upon dozens of filler days are something completely different. The days we do remember. The impactful days of our lives that in turn create the stories we live. A day is usually worth remembering because it belongs to one of two extremes. The positive and the negative. Nobody wakes up in the morning and ever expects to be stricken with horrible news. We never are prepared for these events. Never do you wake up expecting someone you love to part ways with you. You never expect to be put into a life threatening situation. You don’t know that later in the day you will be  hurt physically or emotionally. Yet, it’s always inevitable. These events wait for us. So what’s the point? Why not lie in bed all day to avoid these tiny tragedies life has in store for each and every one of us. The beauty in life is held within the other extreme. The days that sneak up on you and completely blow your mind. The mornings you wake up with rain drops pounding on your roof and despite expecting your day to go one way, it does not. You finally get the news that you’ve been waiting for. You finally get something you deserve. You connect with someone that changes your life. And what could be more beautiful than one following the other. A negative followed by a positive. So you can truly appreciate the course life is taking. The negative, in time, can even be seen positively. One day you might wake up to news that is seemingly dooming. You don’t know why. You look for answers that at the time are not there. Days pass with more filler days and still no answers. In that more questions arise. But in time, after days, weeks and months pass; it’s there right when you need it. Your answer arrives just in time. And at that moment you realize maybe there is a big picture. Maybe there is more to all of this than these random events following one another. And in those moments, life is worth it. These tiny moments of hope and beauty make it all worth it. The sun begins to rise after your longest, blackest night. That sunrise is why we live. And just as the darkness awaits us, the sunrise is always just around the corner.

I was inspired to write this little blurb by a friend of mine who, without even knowing it, showed me that good days are ahead if you believe they are. 


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